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Earthing & Grounding Sheets


Color: White


Size: Queen (60''x80'')

Queen (60''x80'')
California King (72''x84'')
King (76''x80'')

Electrical outlet: With US Ground Wire

With US Ground Wire
With EU Ground Wire
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Rejuvenate each night and recharge your days. Our special blend of pure silver and skin-friendly cotton offers unparalleled comfort and delivers continuous therapeutic grounding benefits: heal, restore, and energize.

Turn each night into a healing session

Regarded as nature's most potent medicine, grounding each night significantly enhances sleep quality, reduces inflammation, and boosts overall well-being, no matter the age.

This is how the grounding sheets work:

  • Made with conductive silver (AG) and soft cotton.
  • Connects to the Earth with grounding wire.
  • Passive health enhancement for 7+ hours.
  • Join the countless others who have turned their rest into a restorative escape.

What Are Grounding Sheets?

By connecting to the endless flow of beneficial electrons from the Earth's surface, grounding sheets unveil the profound healing power and benefits of Earthing.

This vital connection supports your body's natural healing and regenerative processes, promoting optimal health and wellness, especially during sleep.

Why Sleep Grounded?

Reap the amazing benefits that nature naturally provides. Prolonged grounding is especially beneficial during sleep when your body undergoes its most critical healing and regenerative processes, leaving you feeling more energized and rejuvenated than ever before.

Free electrons from the Earth help to re-balance your body, stabilize it's bio-electrical system and fight free radicals. The stream of electrons work as anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-aging antioxidants — squelching inflammation, all night long.

Feel your stress melt away as the healing electrons from your Earthing Therapy Sheet work to re-establish your body's natural electrical stability and mitigate damage caused by harmful manmade EMFs.

Published research on Earthing indicates that a broad array of favorable health-related results including:

  • Better sleep
  • Eliminates or substantially reduces inflammation
  • Eliminates or substantially reduces pain


  • Improved blood flow
  • Normalizing effect on the stress hormone cortisol
  • Calming effects on the nervous system


  • Reduces blood viscosity
  • Improves glucose (blood sugar) regulation
  • Prevents calcium and bone density loss, reduces indicators of osteoporosis


  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Influences thyroid gland function
  • Reduces muscle damage, accelerates recovery from strenuous exercise


  • Speeds wound healing
  • Improves immune system response to trauma and injuries
  • Normalizes muscle tension


  • Reduces frequent nighttime urination
  • Reduces PMS symptoms and hot flashes
  • Anti-aging effects

The Earth is Like a Gigantic Battery..

that contains a natural, subtle electrical charge—a special kind of energy present in the ground due to lightning strikes and atmospheric ionization.

For safety and stability, most everything in the electrical world is connected to it, whether it is an electric power plant or your refrigerator.

That’s what the term “grounded” means.

Being grounded also applies to people. When you are electrically grounded, you feel:

  • Centered
  • Solid
  • Strong
  • Balanced
  • Less tense
  • Less stressed

Grounding Benefits:
Exploring Earthing's Impact Across Bodily Systems:

Growing Health Concerns and Increase in Illness

Many people live with daily pain and constant stress, anxiety, depression, inflammation and fatigue. They feel out-of-sorts — not centered, strong, or solid.

Doctors often can’t find the cause and resort to prescribing "band-aid solutions" and medications that produce side effects like fatigue, poor mood, gastro-intestinal upset, and headaches.

There has been an increase in the number of people suffering from autoimmune (inflammatory) diseases. Fifty million people in the U.S. alone are suffering from diseases including:

— Inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD)
— Multiple sclerosis (MS)
— Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
— Lupus

Additionally, chronic inflammation is known to promote cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, wide-spread musculoskeletal pain and achy, sore joints.. 

Researchers are struggling to pinpoint conventional explanations and reasons behind the steep increases in a diversity of illnesses and widespread inflammation which is now characterized as the “Silent Killer”.

Losing Touch With The Ground Beneath Us

You are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet. Your body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that run, for example, your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system. You're an electrical being first, chemical being second. Embrace the electrifying potential of Earthing to reconnect and thrive.

With the exception of humans living in industrialized societies, all living things on our planet are connected to the ground’s electric energy. In industrialized societies, you rarely go barefoot and walk around outside or wear natural leather shoes that allow you to absorb the ground’s energy.

For many decades, people have increasingly been wearing rubber and plastic-soled shoes that act as a barrier to the Earth’s energy, insulating them from electrical contact with the Earth. People also generally don’t sleep on the ground anymore, as many cultures have done throughout history. They live and work above the ground, even far above the ground in high-rises.

The truth is, you’re disconnected. You’re ungrounded. You are not in touch with the Earth. This disconnection is an overlooked factor in the widespread increase of many illnesses nowadays. Reconnecting could be simpler than you think; a grounding sheet might just be the key to bridging that gap. 

What Are The Healing Benefits of Grounding Bed Sheets?

Scientific research spanning over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. That is, when you are grounded.

Reconnecting with the Earth helps us create the necessary neutral electrical charge in our body so that we have the opportunity to heal, and grounding sheets can facilitate this vital link. The figure below shows the results of a study that examined the effects of being grounded while sleeping over the course of eight weeks

Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue=lowest circulation; dark red=highest circulation). 

Earthing has been studied and proven to have a remarkable effect on red blood cells. By increasing their surface charge, Earthing transforms blood viscosity and prevents the dangerous clumping of red blood cells. This heightened surface charge allows them to maintain a crucial separation, ensuring a consistently smooth, single-file flow through the intricate network of capillaries, much like a well-managed highway. This not only contributes to improved overall circulation and health but also creates what is known as a healthy Zeta potential.

Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce risk of cardiovascular events. The circulatory benefits of earthing increase the health and recovery of our body's tissue by improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Pain Reduction and Expedited Wound Healing

Earthing after injury can reduce or even prevent the hallmark signs of inflammation: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Researchers have confirmed expedited recovery of painful chronic inflammation using medical infrared imaging.

Pain reduction from earthing helps both newly formed wounds as well as the many types of chronic pain, such as arthritis. By producing measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules, earthing benefits the inflammatory response.

Sync Your Internal Clock for Better Sleep

Earthing yields quantifiable changes in diurnal circadian cortisol secretion levels that improve sleep. Grounding’s regulating effect on circadian rhythm prepares your body for sleep hormonally, while its stress-reduction qualities lower anxiety and other symptoms that can make it hard to fall or stay asleep.

Earthing, facilitated with grounding sheets:

— Helps prevent insomnia
— Quickens sleep onset
— Results in a deeper, more restorative night's sleep

In addition, for those frequently on the move or experiencing jet-lag, Earthing with grounding sheets can be a game-changer. By realigning your body’s internal clock, it greatly eases the symptoms of jet-lag, helping travelers adjust to new time zones more swiftly and enjoy restful sleep, regardless of their location.

Cognitive Function and Neuromodulation

If your body is experiencing chronic inflammation, one of the first functions to be affected is cognition. All-too-common results of this are brain fog, fatigue, irritability, and problems with mood, memory, and mental processing.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of electrons via grounding make earthing a potent way to maintain normalized function in the brain. Clean up chronic systemic inflammation with regular earthing to experience life with minimal neurological impairment.



Scientifically backed, vouched for by medical professionals. Discover why right here:

"What excites me about grounding is the undeniable and growing body of scientific evidence. Unlike conventional methods that often focus on symptom management, earthing offers a way to enhance overall health and prevent issues before they arise. We're seeing measurable improvements in inflammation markers, sleep quality, and stress levels, all resulting from something as simple as connecting with the Earth using Earthing Harmony grounding sheets."


What People Are Saying About Our Grounding Sheets

"Honestly, I am 100% amazed by this thing. Within a week I noticed a major difference. Slept better and no aching back waking me up! I am so happy I bought these earthing sheets. When you first lay down, there is an immediate relaxing effect. Now, both my boyfriend and I are sleeping well throughout the night. Totally worth it :)"


A regular plug socket found in the U.S. has three holes; two vertical slots and a round hole which is grounded to the Earth and does not carry electricity.

Our sheets come with a specialized cord, which features one end in the form of a round prong that is inserted into the designated grounding hole, while the other end connects to the Earthing Sheet itself via special snap connection.

Once the sheet is plugged into a socket via the cord provided, the sheet instantly becomes grounded to the Earth. The Earthing Sheet simply acts as an extension cord, bringing the Earth's energy inside and allowing you to stay grounded while you sleep — the equivalent of being barefoot outside.

If you don’t have a positive experience for any reason, contact us any time and we will help you out.
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